

Private Label:

All private label printing and packaging costs are included. We have several options of design for you to choose from before you decide. Please note that different styles and sizes of packaging will affect your logistic cost.


The minimum wholesale purchase amount is 1000 trays. All products & pricing are subject to change & seasonal availability.


We accept all major credit cards.

All payments will be collected at the time of purchase.

Please note that every transfer might be charged a 1-5% fee depending on transferring/receiving bank.

Current exchange rates are subject to change without notice and are not guaranteed.

Order Changes:

Due to processing time & inventory availability, we cannot honor change requests to orders after purchase. Please make sure to carefully review your order before submitting it.

Damaged Replacements and Warranty:

We offer a one-year warranty scheme and you can claim a 100% refund within that time.

Once we have been notified of any damaged items you have received, we will work with you to either replace them or refund them. Please note: We cannot extend any partial refund to you without receiving our products back should you decide to sell damaged items at a discount.

Please note: We cannot extend any discounts to you should you decide to sell damaged items at a discount.